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Transformational Leadership
Transformational leaders influence those around them and therefore have the potential to alter the culture of a unit or organization. Please address the following topics:
Summarize your general beliefs of what makes a good leader.
Regarding the transformational leadership skills discussed in our required article reading, how do you think your leadership style is perceived by others?
What aspect of the TEACH values discussed in the lesson do you think would most benefit your work environment if adopted?
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Transformational Leadership
Leadership quality is one of the primary contributing factors to the success of an organization. Transformational leadership can only be provided by individuals who have certain qualities and characteristics. Generally, a good leader is honest and has integrity, which is important in building trust between them and the people they govern. Honesty and integrity ensure that a leader does what they advocate for as guided by their core values. (ANA, 2015). Similarly, passion is an important quality in a leader. A passionate leader will be dedicated to achieving the mission and vision of an organization and becomes contagious as their footsteps are emulated by the employees or their subjects. Other qualities that make an individual a good leader include decisiveness, confidence, strategic vision, team player, good communication skills, responsibility, and humility (Olanrewaju, 2019).
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Transformational leadership skills are an integral part of leaders who wish to build a strong foundation for the continuity and sustainability of a successful organization. Notably, communication skills that are useful in resolving organizational conflicts and adequately address concerns raised by employees need to be emulated by transformational leaders. Leaders are influential and how they are perceived by employees can change the culture of the organization (Ogunsakin, 2017). Through this, they may be influential in the personal goal attainment of other employees. Ogunsakin (2017) noted that transformational leaders inspire their followers by using transformational behavior that motivates followers to attain performance levels beyond the leader’s expectation. In conclusion, the TEACH values are a fundamental aspect of transformational leadership when integrated into a working environment. As such, its adoption results in the successful implementation of transformational leadership offered by visionary and revolutionary organizational leaders.
ANA. (2015). Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (3 ed.).
Ogunsakin, O. (2017). Employees' Perceptions of Managerial Transformational Leadership Behaviors and Effectiveness Among Information Technology Managers. 1-178.
Olanrewaju, O. (2019). Exploring the Qualities of a Good Leader Using Principal Component Analysis. Journal of Engineering Project and Production Management, 9(2), 142-150. doi:10.2478/jeppm-2019-0016
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