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A Patients Spiritual Rights

In addition to the topic study materials, use the chart you completed and questions you answered in the Topic 3 about \"Case Study: Healing and Autonomy\" as the basis for your responses in this assignment.

Answer the following questions about a patient\'s spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview.

1,In 200-250 words, respond to the following: Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would that mean a disrespect of a patient\'s autonomy? Explain your rationale.
2.In 400-500 words, respond to the following: How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian think about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about trusting God and treating James in relation to what is truly honoring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in James\'s care?
3.In 200-250 words, respond to the following: How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike determine appropriate interventions for James and for his family or others involved in his care?
Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

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Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

BS in Health Sciences 1.2; BS Nursing (RN to BSN ) 5.2

Assess for the spiritual needs and provide appropriate interventions for individuals, families, and groups.

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A Patients Spiritual Rights 

Spiritual and religious decisions are some of the worldviews that impact decision-making in health care. Health professionals often face an ethical dilemma of respecting a patient's right to autonomy amidst wrong decision's influenced by Christian ideologies. The situation is complicated in treating pediatric patients where parents fail to consent to a life-saving medical intervention for their child. Ethical law dictates that the responsibility of a parent to a child, the sensitivity to their best interests, and the responsibility they feel for the child and their future make them the best surrogates in medical decisions. Unfortunately, making wrong decisions for the child sets them at risk of poor health and death. In such ethical dilemmas, health professionals have to consider the available alternatives to uphold the child’s health.

Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James?

The physician should not allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to be irrational and harmful to James. The two reasons why parents are allowed to be a child's surrogate decision-makers are the presumption that they are responsible and caring to their children and they have the child's best interests at heart (Parsapoor et al., 2014). However, if the two presumptions do not apply, then their surrogate decision-making does not apply. Inevitably, there are disagreements among health professionals about the exact criteria for determining a child’s best interests. However, a significant measure is protecting a child from pain, suffering, and possible death.

 In medical ethics, there are restrictions to the right to autonomy for adult patients. The same restrictions are possible for the right to autonomy regarding pediatric patients. Parents are not allowed to refuse a life-saving medical intervention based on their religious beliefs (Blake, 2012). They must make credible medical decisions based on the child's interests and not on account of their wishes and misleading beliefs (Blake, 2012). If the physician determines that the parent's decision is not consistent with the child's interests, they are mandated to engage a reliable authority, the court, or ethical committee to preserve the child’s rights in an unbiased manner.

Respecting James’s right to autonomy to choose the Healing Ministry over the temporary dialysis risk's long-term complications and reduced quality of life for James. His worldview is not consistent with his child's best interests. In contrast, accepting the temporary dialysis could solve the existing medical condition for James, reduce the blood pressure, fluid buildup, and improve his quality of life. It is the doctor's responsibility to offer an adequate explanation about the existing condition and make it clear about the consequences of going against medical advice to reach an agreement. In case there is no mutual agreement, then the health professional can refer the case to the ethical committee for resolution.

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How Christian’s must think about sickness and health

The role of religion in health, illness, and healing plays a significant role in health care behavior for Christians. Sickness is part of human beings in an imperfect world as depicted in the bible. It explains the deterioration of the body through aging, a situation that weakens the body and increases the possibility of diseases. It is during such times that a Christian looks at God’s promise of healing. Undoubtedly, God is a great healer and in healing, he restores the body to perfect health by using human instruments and divine interventions. God also promises that there is power in prayer towards restoring human health. A prayer offered in faith brings divine intervention and God brings healing (James 5:15 NIV, 2015). However, believing in prayer and God's divine intervention may not always result in healing. For example, Elisha was a staunch Christian who became sick and eventually died from his illness. Also, when Paul got sick, God did not take away his illness. Instead, He told him that his grace is sufficient and His power made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthian's 12:7-9, 2011). Jesus also prayed for redemption by asking God to remove the cup of suffering. In all situations, God did not answer the requests of his faithful followers. God does not always promise to heal, but in faith, He promises to save.

People have different reactions in times of illness. To some, it may result in panic, resignation, or resentment and others choose to look at life from a different perspective. To a small group like Mike, sickness is a test of faith requiring dedication to a higher purpose. As a Christian, the bible is clear about the power of believing in faith and prayer. However, healing through faith requires believing in the combined power of faith and the power of medical science. Christians like Mike must acknowledge that God works through physical and spiritual laws. He created physicians, medications, and procedures meant to restore better health. Therefore, Christians must believe in God and do all they can by utilizing the available health services to restore health and alleviate suffering. In doing so, God’s peace may eliminate their fears and despair for better outcomes.

Spiritual Needs Assessment

Spiritual needs are a fundamental component of comprehensive health care. It is consistent with the health professional obligation for holistic care incorporating physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs (Rachel et al., 2019). A spiritual needs assessment is an appropriate approach in incorporating spiritual care for patients. In Mike’s situation, it would have allowed the physician to support him through empathetic listening and documentation of spiritual preferences for future visits. It would also provide an opportunity of incorporating Mike’s spiritual conviction into the care plan. Tools like the Open Invite Mnemonic provides an opportunity for requesting a patient for support from the medical team (Rachel et al., 2019). It also allows asking about mobilizing faith-based resources from the community on behalf of the patient. Conducting a spiritual needs assessment would have made it possible for the physician to request the priest's presence at the hospital while James remained under medical care. It would preserve Mike's spiritual rights and offer an opportunity for better outcomes for James.




2 Corinthians 12:7-9. (2011). Bible Gateway passage: 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 - New international version. Bible Gateway.

Blake, V. (2012). Minors’ refusal of life-saving therapies. AMA Journal of Ethics, 14(10), 792-796.

James 5:15 NIV. (2015). Bible Gateway passage: James 5:15 - New international version. Bible Gateway.

Parsapoor, A., Parsapoor, M. B., Rezaei, N., & Asghari, F. (2014). Autonomy of children and adolescents in consent to treatment: ethical, jurisprudential and legal considerations. Iranian Journal of pediatrics, 24(3), 241.

Rachel, H., Chiara, C., Robert, K., & Francesco, S. (2019). Spiritual care in nursing: an overview of the measures used to assess spiritual care providers and related factors amongst nurses. Acta Bio Medica: Atenei Parmensis, 90(Suppl 4), 44.

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